Clyde Wolfe's Editing and Proofreading Services
Some of the pieces I have worked on include:
We all need editing. From the best sellers to those still looking to break into the publishing world. It is inevitable. None of us are infallible, despite what you may have heard. Writers make mistakes. Shocker, I know.
The most common form of editing I provide is a one time line edit of a manuscript. I check for spelling and grammatical errors, ensure sentence and paragraph structure is maintained, and proofread for plot holes and simple incongruities in the document.
Other services may include rewriting material, minor fact checking, and typesetting.
- Presence: Into the Dark, Charity Becker
- Brother Toad and the Giants, by Charity Becker
- Downfall, Michael S. Gardner
- The Untimely Deaths of Daryl Handy, Patrick Rutigliano
- Outrunning the Hunter, Kyona Jiles
- Running Out of Time, Kyona Jiles
- Smell of the Dead, Dale Eldon
- Evolution Crystal: Broken Prophecy, by Jay Condon
- Blyssfully Abnormal, published by Blysster Press
- Crypticon Seattle's De-Compositions 2013, published by Blysster Press
- Crypticon Seattle's De-Compositions 2014, published by Blysster Press
And others.
Often times, a writer will be working on a given project for weeks, months, even years! Most people can not rely wholly on their own eyes when it comes to their work. It is ingrained in their minds how this scene or that character should be perceived. In short, quite often a writer will harbor blind spots or biases regarding their own work that may or may not be recognized or validated by a reader.
A professional edit is not just about making sure every word is spelled correctly and used in the proper manner. It is not just about ensuring each comma is in place and all the quotation marks are precise. Though all of that is essential to a good edit, grammar and punctuation is not all. A good editor can look deeper at your manuscript, provide potential tweaks and changes to help ensure those nebulous areas of a story are cleared up, and turn weaknesses into strengths.